Hi! I’m Lisa.
I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and love sharing stories of my adventures. I’m a budding freelancer with a focus on outdoor adventure, gear, and education.

I never expected hiking and backpacking to become such a passion in my life.
As a child I was introduced to camping by Girl Guides. I worked my way through the entire program, enjoying many weekend and even week-long camping trips across the country.
I discovered backpacking in university. I lived within about 3 hours of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and ran off into them to hike and camp as often as possible.
Now I live on the West Coast of Canada, right at the British Columbia-Washington border. The hiking in this corner of the continent is phenomenal, with many wild spaces barely an hour’s drive away. I have access to awesome snowshoeing in the winter, and incredible backpacking routes in the summer.
Find my featured articles here!

My husband Dan, grew up hiking in Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks. He introduced me to his favourite backcountry area in the Sierras about a month after we met. Together we hiked the entire John Muir Trail in the summer of 2016.
While that may have satisfied Dan, it only increased my appetite for hiking, and gave me a great taste of long-trail hiking. The summer of 2017 I set out to tackle the Washington section of the Pacific Crest Trail. I didn’t quite make it all the way through and so went back to complete it in 2018. My goal quickly became clear – to section hike the whole Pacific Crest Trail.
Read my Pacific Crest Trail adventures here!
Dan and I hiked the southern-most section of the PCT in California together in December of 2018. In 2019 I headed off to hike part of Oregon.
In between all these long hikes I find time to adventure in my local hills which include Vancouver’s North Shore Mountains and the North Cascades of Washington.
Along the way I created this site where I could share stories of my adventures and advice for hikers of all stripes.

Have a question or comment? Interested in a collaboraton? Just have something nice to say? I’d love to hear you!
Send me a message below and I’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.